
Precisely 79 years ago, 1st of September 1939 at 04:45, German army invaded Poland and second world war was started.

KL Auschwitz was the largest of the German Nazi concentration camps and extermination centers.


All over the world, Auschwitz has become a symbol of terror, genocide, and the Holocaust. It was established by Germans in 1940, in the suburbs of Oswiecim, a Polish city that was annexed to the Third Reich by the Nazis.

Its name was changed to Auschwitz, which also became the name of Konzentrationslager Auschwitz.


Over 1.1 million men, women and children lost their lives here.


“ The Auschwitz camp was built by the German state on the territory of occupied Poland

which were forcibly incorporated into the Third Reich. It is obvious for all those who visit the authentic site of the Memorial or read our publications.

We also underline this through our activities on the Internet. However, every once in a while in the media, this false statement appears, very painful to bear for Poles,’ said the director of the Auschwitz Museum, Dr Piotr M. A. Cywiński.


“ After the liquidation of the Polish state and its institutions, the fundamental goal of German policy in occupied Poland was the exploitation of material and labor resources, and the removal of the local Polish population and ethnic minorities. This was done through expulsion and systematic extermination. The Polish lands were to be completely germanized, through German settlement in the depopulated area.



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